Friday, November 3, 2017

My NaNoWriMo character...

That time of year again... National Writing Procrastination Busters Unite month!!!

I'm doing a--you guessed it--graphic novel about dragons. And this guy, Greyson James, is my lovely main character (he's a bit of a Mary Sue at the moment, but I'm trying to give him a minimum of three big flaws, not make his monstrous side too cliche or melodramatic, etc. etc.)

The concept for the initial sketch was based on Linkin Park's Tinfoil/Powerless, but I binge-listened to an old Evanescence album (obviously Fallen) while penciling for that *eDgyY* tone. 

I call this drawing "Mark of the Darkborne" (which teeters the very fine line between edgy as hELL and cheesy as... as Black Veil Brides. Or, like, KISS. lol)

Aight, that's all. Just wanted to show off before getting back to work. ^_^


- nessa